About Me

I would like u to meet the Neals! Theres me Faith,wife & mom.Danny, husband & father.Zack our oldest son,the protector. Eli the middle son, our clown. Nate our youngest,sensitive one. And last but not least, Gabrielle our little girl,our blessing!

What a Smile!

What a Smile!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Gabrielle Grace Neal

Cowboy Nate Shoots Reindeer Eli!!

Daddy's Little Girl!

Zackary, Elijah,Nathaniel & Gabrielle

Christmas 2008


  1. Just wanted to tell you that you have 4 of the most beautiful babies in the world well besides mine HA HA!!!!!

  2. You are one of the 4 most awesome sisters in the world..Oh wait..5 (can't forget Sally). Thank you for sharing your family with me.
